SAAMI Ballistics Instrumentation Working Group

“Our combined industries are driven by mechanical and chemical engineering innovation. The United States Sporting Arms and Ammunition Manufacturersʼ Institute takes great pride in the fact that our industryʼs ballistic engineers and laboratory staff are among the most knowledgeable and skilled in their field. The Ballistics Instrumentation working group will provide a format for our members to exchange technical ideas and expertise, create mentor relationships between senior and junior members, and work to insure that SAAMI maintains the widely held recognition of being a cutting-edge industry standards-setting body”, said Randy Bimson, director of technical affairs and technical advisor of SAAMI. 

In conjunction with an inaugural technical training seminar hosted by PCB Piezotronics of Depew, N.Y. (USA), Les Bearl, ballistics instrumentation engineer with ATK/Federal Cartridge, was appointed as the groupʼs first chairperson. “Les offers a great example of the depth of knowledge and expertise our industry's senior staff possesses and is willing to share”, said Bimson “It is expertise like his that we, as an industry, want to insure is passed on and not lost”.

The technical training seminar was attended by 27 members from 16 SAAMI member companies as well as guest representatives of three US federal agencies who subscribe to SAAMI protocol and standards. 

SAAMI was founded in USA in 1926 at the request of the American federal government and tasked with coordinating the industryʼs technical data, creating and publishing industry standards for interchangeability, reliability, performance, quality and product safety, and to promote safe and responsible use of firearms. 

For further information