Remington HyperSonic Steel

Remington HyperSonic Steel
Remington's HyperSonic Steel shotshells reach a staggering 1700 feet-per-second velocity!

Few things are more challenging than hitting fast moving, high flying waterfowl.  To meet this challenge, Remington introduced, and now markets worldwide in the 12-gauge and 20-gauge calibers, the fastest velocity, highest downrange pattern energies ever produced in the history of steel waterfowl loads; the revolutionary new HyperSonic Steel. To put it simply, waterfowl hunters now have the fastest, hardest-hitting, steel shot shell in the world, resulting in shorter leads to help hunters be more successful; with unprecedented velocity and the highest downrange pattern energies ever achieved, new Remington HyperSonic Steel shotshells take lethality to new heights and lengths, and to a level of terminal performance where more birds drop with fewer shots, at the farthest reaches of your abilities. At the heart of the new HyperSonic Steel load is the patent pending Xelerator Wad.  The newly designed wad features a unique Ignition Chamber which allows higher velocity with safe pressures.

Remington HyperSonic Steel
The two-stages ignition and "Xelerator" wad guarantee safety and reliability on all shotguns

How does the Xelerator Wad work?  The primer ignites a small portion of the powder charge captured in the “Ignition Chamber”, this captive charge accelerates the wad and payload forward until the remainder of the powder charge is ignited. The increased volume behind the wad allows for the remainder of the propellant to burn, driving the shot to 1700 fps without causing excessive pressure – all in just a fraction of a millisecond.

Most ducks are missed from behind, but the unprecedented velocity of HyperSonic Steel compensates for this by reducing required lead by 8” at 40 yards (about a full body length) on a duck flying average speed. It puts more pellets in the head and neck for quicker kills and fewer misses, giving hunters a higher success rate and less crippling with fewer shots. This, because the Xelerator Wad features two stress concentrators that initiate petal splitting in a way that will maintain the patter tighter all the way down range.

Remington HyperSonic Steel
The Remington HyperSonic Steel shotshells won a Golden Bullseye Award as the 2013 American Hunter Ammunition Product of the Year

So far, the Remington HyperSonic Steel shotshells proved to be reliable in the field, meeting or exceeding all evaluator’s expectation, as well as innovative in design and function, readily perceived as a value to the purchaser, and styled in a manner befitting the shooting and hunting industry and, perhaps more importantly, its enthusiasts. That's why, folliwing a lengthy period of testing and evaluation by independent experts and media members alike, the Remington HyperSonic Steel shotshells have been awarded with the highly coveted "Golden Bullseye" as the 2013 American Hunter Ammunition Product of the Year. This award is granted by the National Rifle Association of America (NRA) to acknowledge the finest products available in the shooting sports; the winners are selected by a seven-member committee consisting of editors, graphic designers and veteran NRA Publications staff, representing more than a century of collective experience in the shooting and hunting industry. The "Golden Bullseye" awardis probably one of the most prestigious acknowledgement that any shooting or hunting-related product may ever hope to obtain, and is itself proof of the high levels of quality and effectiveness of Remington's HyperSonic Steel shotshells. They may not be the best steel-based shotgun ammunition out there overall, but sure they're the fastest, and they perform flawlessly.

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