Some accessories are specifically intended for tactical use, but in some cases can be used also in the field hunting or in the life of every day. The hunter who goes to unknown areas, sometimes, feels the need to have everything that to need just in case. Obviously the hunters don’t need to fill pockets and backpacks lots of accessories, but just equip themselves for something that encompasses multiple tools. This is the case of the new multitool Leatherman OHT (One Hand Tool), specifically designed to accommodate many useful accessories, ready to be opened and used with one hand. The OHT has blades, awls, screwdrivers, a hacksaw and a can opener positioned on the outside of the handle, and that open with just one finger. The most interesting is the clamp positioned at the top, which retracts into the handle when closing, and is spring loaded: will start out with just a flick of the wrist, and it's just as easy to close. To increase the longevity of the multitool OHT, the Leatherman has chosen stainless steel to build this very powerful tool, available with grips in various colors (here in Desert Tan), and is sold together with a belt sheath.
The OHT of the Leatherman was born as an accessory for tactical military applications, but that does not mean that it is available to hunt can represent an exaggeration!